Oakland Recycles - Your Recycling Team

Field Audit of Trash, Recycle, and Compost Containers Begins Nov 14, 2022

City of Oakland Climate Corp Fellows and hired consultants will conduct field audits of residents’ and business’s trash, compost and recycle containers during the week of November 14.  Senate Bill 1383, the Short-Lived Climate Pollutant Reduction Act mandates that all CA cities conduct annual field audits beginning in 2022. Staff will conduct these field audits in residential neighborhoods on trash collection days from 7:00am to 4pm, by visually inspecting the contents of residents’ and businesses’ trash, compost and recycling carts or bins.  When they find misplaced items in residents’ carts, they will leave an “Oops!” tag explaining what items were wrongly placed and information on correct sorting.  When they find material correctly sorted, they will leave a “Good Job!” tag.  Businesses will receive letters in the mail after the field audit. About 2% of all trash, recycle, and compost containers in Oakland have been randomly selected for this audit. These field audits are being conducted in coordination with Waste Management, California Waste Solutions and Civicorps.

Please refer to the FAQs for additional details.


 Why is the City of Oakland looking in my carts/bins?

A new state law Senate Bill (SB) 1383 requires cities to conduct annual field audits to track how well residents and businesses sort their materials. SB 1383 also requires residents and businesses to put their compost, recycle, and trash into the correct carts or bins. When buried in landfills compostable items such as food scraps, food soiled paper, and plant debris produce greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change. For more information about local implementation of SB 1383 visit StopWaste.org/rules. Click here complete details about how to sort your waste.

What will happen if I put something in the wrong cart at home?

If you put something in the wrong cart, auditors will leave an “Oops tag” explaining what items were wrongly placed in a specific cart or bin and information on correct sorting.

Note: Waste Management of Alameda County (WMAC), California Waste Solutions (CWS) or Civicorps do not have to service recycle or compost carts if they have items that do not belong. If your cart is not serviced due to contamination found by a driver, call your service provider. WMAC at (510) 613-8700 (csnorthbay@wm.com), or CWS at (510) 625-5263 (OaklandCS@calwaste.com).

What will happen if I put something in the wrong cart or bin at work?

If you put something in the wrong cart or bin, auditors will mail a letter to the business address explaining what material was placed in the incorrect cart or bin and information on correct sorting.

Note: Waste Management of Alameda County (WMAC), California Waste Solutions (CWS) or Civicorps do not have to service recycle or compost carts if they have items that do not belong. If your cart is not serviced due to contamination found by a driver, call your service provider. WMAC at (510) 613-8700 (csnorthbay@wm.com), or CWS at (510) 625-5263 (OaklandCS@calwaste.com).

Will any items be removed from my carts/bins?

Auditors will not permanently remove any items or document any personal information that may be in your carts or bins. Auditors may open trash bags as part of their review. A photo will be taken if a reviewer observes material in the wrong cart or bin.

Who is SCS Engineers?

SCS Engineers is a contractor hired by the City to conduct this annual field audit. SCS Engineers is partnering with the City’s Climate Corp Fellows to complete this review.

Who are Climate Corp Fellows?

Climate Corp Fellows are working in the Sustainability Division at the City of Oakland for one year. Fellows are supporting SB 1383 field audits. This is one of many environmental projects the Fellows will work on this year.

What items are accepted in the trash, recycle, and compost cart or bin?

Click here for a detailed explanation of what material should be placed in each cart or bin. Download and print a recycle, compost, and trash sorting guide to help you remember what items belong where.

Who should I contact if I have more questions?

Contact the City of Oakland Recycling Hotline at recycling@oaklandca.gov, or call (510) 238-SAVE (7283).