Common Recycling Questions
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Plastic Bags
Belongs in Trash.

Plastic bags are trash. Reduce your use of plastic bags by bringing your own bag to the store, reusing plastic bags that come with your purchase of food items, and using reusable containers to prevent the use of zip lock baggies or plastic film wrap.
Do not put your recyclables in plastic bags as recycling sorters cannot tell if the bagged material is trash or recycling and pull the material as trash. Plastic bags also tangle around recycle sorting machinery and can damage or break equipment over time.
Pet / Animal Waste
Belongs in Trash.

Animal and human waste belong in the trash. This ensures finished compost is free of bacteria found in the gut of meat-eating animals.
Belongs in Trash.

Disposable diapers always belong in the trash. While there are “compostable” diapers for purchase, they still belong in your curbside trash cart. Compostable diapers can only be composted by a diaper service provider that collects used diapers for diaper only composting and are not accepted in Oakland’s compost cart. To prevent diaper waste, consider using cloth diapers or subscribing to a diaper composting service provider.
Pizza Boxes
Belongs in Compost.

Most often pizza boxes have grease or cheese stuck on it. This can contaminate the recycling. Any paper or cardboard that is food-soiled belongs in the compost where it can break down and be turned back into soil amendments.
Plastic Utensils
Belongs in Trash.

Single-use plastic utensils are not recyclable. Consider reusing them or switch to other reusable utensils.
Disposable Coffee Cups
Belongs in Trash.

Most coffee cups contain a plastic lining that does not break down in the compost. Please place the cup and lid into the trash. Prevent cup waste by bringing your own mug to your favorite coffee shop. Reusable mugs often keep hot drinks hotter for longer and many shops offer small discounts when you bring your own cup.
Milk Cartons
Belongs in Recycle.

Paper and plastic milk cartons belong in recycle. Please make sure it is empty before placing in recycle container.
Bones and Shells
Belongs in Compost.

All food scraps belong in the compost, including bones, nut shells, egg shells and all meats, fruits and vegetables.
Grease and Fats
Small amounts belong in the Compost.

You can scrape small amounts of grease and fats into a paper container then place into your compost. Large amounts of grease, fat and cooking oil can be disposed at the Alameda County Hazardous Waste facilities.
Used Motor Oil
Does not belong in any container.

Used motor oil can be disposed using the curbside disposal program, or dropped off at the county hazardous waste facility. Please visit the hazardous waste page for more details.
Used Batteries
Does not belong in any container.

Used household batteries can be disposed using the curbside disposal program, or dropped off at the county hazardous waste facility. Other types of batteries must be disposed at a hazardous waste facility. Please visit the hazardous waste page for more details.