Property Managers Toolkit
Make sure you and your residents have the tools and information to recycle and compost right.
Download a Property Manager Recycling Services Kit

Recycling & Compost Service Required
Multifamily properties (5+ units) are required to provide recycling and compost collection service for all residents. You must:
- Provide containers and service of sufficient number, size and frequency for recyclable materials at the same or at an equally convenient location as trash.
- Provide containers and service of sufficient number, size and frequency for organics (food scraps and compostable paper) at the same or at an equally convenient location as trash.
County requirements at My Recycling Rules. State compost collection requirements and recycling collection requirements. Oakland Municipal Code requires property managers to provide residents access to all franchised collection services. (OMC 8.28.140.D)

Compost Cart Availability
Make sure you have enough service to capture all food scraps, yard trimmings and food- soiled paper your residents generate. Carts and bins are available at no additional charge. Order what you need today!
To request additional cart(s), contact Waste Management at (510) 613-8710.

Tools for Successful Composting
To help create a successful food scraps collection program at your building, Oakland Recycles offers onsite technical assistance and door-to-door outreach to tenants. We also provide signage and materials, which you can order below.
Green Bin Grant
Alameda County Waste Management Authority is offering free indoor bins to qualifying Alameda County multifamily residential properties (5+ units) for the collection of food scraps, compostable paper and plant debris (“organics”). A variety of containers and lids are available—up to a value of $500 per approved site including tax and delivery! Apply Now

Tools for Successful Recycling
To help create a successful recycling collection program at your building, Oakland Recycles offers onsite technical assistance and door-to-door outreach to tenants. Although recycling has been around longer than compost collection, many buildings can benefit from technical assistance to improve services and proper participation. We also provide signage and materials, which you can order below.

Summary of Tools & Materials Available
For Your Residents:
- Trash, Recycling & Composting Service Brochure
- Kitchen Pail for in-home collection of food scraps/food-soiled paper
- Recycling Caddie to collect and transport recyclables
- Multi-Lingual Videos on “What’s Compostable”
(English video, Spanish video, Chinese video, Vietnamese video)
For Your Building(s):
- Property Manager Recycling Services Kit
- Current Rates
- Indoor and outdoor posters for Trash, Recycling & Composting (multiple sizes – for common areas and collection locations)
- Download and print fliers to post in common areas
- Container and Cart labels
- Bulky Pickup Services Information
- Alameda County Mandatory Recycling Support Materials

Technical Assistance
Need help assessing your service needs or the placement of collection containers for optimum participation? Want to request assistance with door-to-door outreach to tenants?
Contact your Oakland Recycles team to schedule a site visit:
- Compost & Trash– Contact Waste Management of Alameda County, Inc. at or call (510) 613-8710.
- Recycling– Contact California Waste Solutions at or call (510) 524-5263
- General Service Change Request – Submit Online
Materials Request Form

Intended for Multifamily Properties with 5 or more units. Single-Family residents may visit the single-family services page.
Complete this form to arrange delivery of materials. Picking up at a local office is not available at this time.